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Cities are places where people live, work, play, communicate, innovate, and coexist, and where they have access to diverse facilities and opportunities. The city can also be regarded as a symbolic and cultural space that produces and reflects meanings, identities, stories, and practices. Therefore, the city has an impact on and is influenced by political, economic, social, cultural, and ecological forces and processes at the local, national, and global levels. In a series of short blogposts, I will give some possible perspectives of looking at the city.

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Cities are places where people live, work, play, communicate, innovate, and coexist, and where they have access to diverse facilities and opportunities. The city can also be regarded as a symbolic and cultural space that produces and reflects meanings, identities, stories, and practices. Therefore, the city has an impact on and is influenced by political, economic, social, cultural, and ecological forces and processes at the local, national, and global levels. In a series of short blogposts, I will give some possible perspectives of looking at the city.

Callous design
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Interviews met Nick Cave door Seán O'Hagan .

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Over ruimtelijk ontwikkelen en deze stad

blog recht ethiek
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“Telkens weer bepalen overwegingen van ethischen aard de beslissingen van den rechter, de geslotenheid van het wettelijk systeem wordt niet meer klakkeloos aanvaard: ,,goede trouw", ,,het handelen zooals in het maatschappelijk verkeer betaamt"; „plichten van moraal en fatsoen", „wat redelijkerwijze gevraagd kan worden", worden door den rechter ingeroepen ter vaststelling van recht en plicht van partijen,” (Paul Scholten, Verzamelde Geschriften Deel I, p.283)

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